OHP Success Story – Spring 2023

Sometimes compassion starts with the simplest of things, many of which we take for granted. Think about all the movements we make each day and all the obstacles that we overcome without even realizing it, such as entering a dental office and sitting in a chair. Easy right? Not for everyone. Now try to imagine not being able to do these simple tasks and how that could impact your everyday life. This is our story of how Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) helped to bring back feelings of independence, happiness, and beautiful smiles to Nehalem Valley Care Center.

With limited resources on the Oregon Coast, Nehalem Valley Care Center found it increasingly difficult to find a dental provider to come into the facility and see the patients who could not physically go into a dental office and were overdue for much needed dental care. After some time, Lori Killen Aus, EPDH, a traveling hygienist for a pre-established patient contacted our care facility and mentioned ENDS.

The ENDS program is a partnership comprised of the following Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental
  • Willamette Dental


The ENDS staff reached out to our office, and since then, all the residents that had been needing to be seen by a dentist and hygienist have since been seen. The ENDS staff has worked closely with us to overcome scheduling obstacles for dental surgeries, scheduled re-occurring in-house dental and hygiene visits, and even coordinated many residents for preparation and success of receiving dentures.

Many of the residents at Nehalem Valley are re-occurring patients of ENDS and are now seen routinely. They look forward to the visits from the ENDS providers and call and write to family about their beautiful new smiles. The participation in group activities has significantly increased. Some residents have begun taking better care of their oral health each day by brushing. Oral pain reports have nearly diminished and when you walk into activities or to visit one of the residents, they greet you with their big, beautiful smiles – smiles not just from their mouths, but from their eyes and hearts. When residents are informed of the ENDS visiting schedule, they get excited. That feeling is how we all know that ENDS has changed the overwhelming feelings of defeat and community abandonment for the residents at Nehalem Valley by helping bring a sense of compassion, commitment, and a little independence that they know they can rely on.


  • Chandra Fleming, Social Services Director

OHP Success Story – Winter 2023

Tracy, age 51, suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, dementia, and anxiety, all of which make seeking dental care in an traditional office capacity a challenge. Tracy was recently referred to Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) for mobile dentistry services.

Lori Killen Aus, ENDS Expanded Practice Dental Hygienist (EPDH) scheduled an appointment with Tracy and noted that though she was composed, Tracy was still feeling nervous as she had her hands folded and was repeating a phrase to herself over and over. Lori truly enjoys the process of helping new patients feel comfortable so she carefully explained her process and made light conversation with Tracy including commenting on how pretty Tracy’s nails were.

Lori Killen Aus, EPDH

However, the real breakthrough happened when Lori was about to begin preventative treatment, she noticed Tracy signing to her. Lori paused during the process of setting up her instruments and signed Tracy’s name back to her using the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet. Tracy’s face lit up and her anxiety melted away. It was a small moment, but one that made all the difference. Now that she was confident she would be understood, Tracy successfully had her teeth cleaned, and continues to be cared for by the Dentists and Hygienists in the ENDS program.

ENDS Program partners with three Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental
  • Willamette Dental

The ENDS Program connects Tracy and other patients with providers like Lori thanks to the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP). The care and compassion delivered by ENDS’ providers, along with the dental benefits provided by OHP, ensure patients receive the treatment they need to continue living a happy and healthy life.

OHP Success Story – Autumn 2022

Justin is a delightful young man of 22 who was born prematurely and also addicted to heroin at birth. These factors caused him lifelong developmental disabilities. Having mentally matured to the age of around 10 or 11, he loves all things with wheels, his dog, and spending time with friends. Justin is happy, social, and is known for dressing in his all-time favorite color, green. He is passionate about cars, and he can name any model that passes as he rides with his Aunt Julia. Though he is unable to drive a car, he takes pride in helping his family by driving the lawn mower to cut their grass. He also works a part time job at a local grocery store, where he delights in meeting customers and helping them with their carts.

JustinAt 3 years old, Justin suffered a significant trauma at a dentist’s office which caused a serious fear of dental work for years to come. Tasks that require fine motor skills are difficult for Justin, so despite attempts to brush and floss often, over the years he developed many cavities and eventually a painful abscessed tooth. The extremely lengthy hospital appointment to correct all the damage to his teeth motivated Justin to be willing to face his fears and try going to a dentist regularly again for cleanings. Not long after, Justin was referred to the ENDS program, which is a partnership established by four Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental
  • Willamette Dental

Though seeing a dentist was still very challenging for Justin, having his aunt able to sit in on the appointment with him helped a lot. Dr. Jacob Foutz, ENDS Dentist worked with Justin and made visiting the dentist office a positive place to visit. When it became clear he would need his wisdom teeth removed, ENDS coordinated a hospital visit which included a deep cleaning as well. This visit was quick, painless and accommodating which was reassuring for both Justin and Julia. Thanks to the Medicaid dental benefits provided by Oregon Health Plan (OHP), the ENDS Program is able to connect patients in need with providers like Dr. Jacob Foutz and his staff. Justin now has healthy teeth and a lot more confidence now when visiting the dentist.

OHP Success Story – Summer 2022

Tim, age 54, lives in a group home due to physical disabilities and intellectual impairment. He loves tuning his radio between stations, sitting on his deck during sunny days, and going for rides through the Gorge and to the coast in his van. He’s a fun-loving, mischievous person who enjoys the company of outgoing and friendly people.

Since Tim is non-verbal and has mobility challenges, he depends on the people who support him to communicate his wants and needs, including his dental care treatment. For any dental work beyond teeth brushing and routine examinations, Tim needs to be fully sedated.

Tim first started seeing Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) mobile and hospital dentist Dr. John Aspros about eighteen years ago while living in a group home in Oregon City. Since Tim has known Dr. Aspros for so long, he is very comfortable letting him look in his mouth for dental exams. When Tim moved from Oregon City across town in 2017, Dr. Aspros continued to come to his home to provide his dental care. Over the years, Dr. Aspros has repeatedly gone above and beyond to make sure that Tim is being cared for.

Without providers like Dr. Aspros, Tim would have a much harder time receiving dental care – if at all – and would possibly no longer be able to enjoy many of the foods he loves so much.

Because of the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP), and the ENDS program, Tim is having his dental needs met and couldn’t be happier.

The ENDS program is a partnership established by these Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental

OHP Success Story – Spring 2022

Phouvong, age 66, an incredible woman, that in 1979 came to America from Laos. She and her husband fled Laos during the Vietnam War and settled in the U.S. where they raised six children while speaking limited English. She worked two to three jobs consistently to provide for her large family. Phouvong has always been a social butterfly and loves everyone. All of her life she has been known for her love of cooking, especially in making the best traditional Laotian cuisine. When asked why she enjoyed cooking so much her response was, “When my family is fed, my heart is full.”

Over the past few years, Phouvong has suffered multiple strokes and three falls which resulted in a fractured shoulder and hips. She has also been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. This complicated matters when in 2019, Phouvong was diagnosed with serious decay and infection of all her remaining teeth. It was recommended due to her medical condition that treatment be completed under anesthesia. Thankfully, her family was made aware of Exceptional Needs Dental Services, a program that is a partnership established by four Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental
  • Willamette Dental

Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) received a referral from the Dental Care Organization. An ENDS mobile dental provider, made a house call visit and referred Phouvong to be scheduled to have her dental treatment completed by Dr. Aspros in a hospital setting.

The results are best expressed by her loving family:

“On behalf of the family, we thank Debbie, Danielle, Dr. Aspros, others at ENDS, Providence St. Vincent, and Capitol Dental Care. We are blessed to have had the opportunity to engage with so many extraordinary people due to the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP), and providers like Dr. Aspros. Phouvong has had all her dental needs met and is no longer in pain. We couldn’t be happier!”

OHP Success Story – Winter 2022

Tami, age 65, suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, dementia, and is non-verbal. She and her husband were born and raised in Portland, Oregon. When Tami and her husband were first married, they became foster care parents and, over a period of 35 years, they fostered over 300 children and adopted ten of them!

A short while back, Tami began experiencing severe tooth pain and had not eaten solid food in over three weeks. Due to her medical conditions, she is unable to be seen in a traditional dental clinic but, fortunately, Tami was referred to Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) which specializes in mobile dentistry.

The ENDS program is a partnership established by four Oregon Dental Care Organizations:

  • Capitol Dental Care
  • CareOregon Dental
  • Willamette Dental

After learning of the pain Tami had been enduring, Dr. Brian Koch, an ENDS mobile dentist, made an emergency house call at the end of his day. Dr. Koch determined that Tami’s condition meant that she could not tolerate an exam or dental treatment even at her residence. Because of this, treatment was coordinated with another ENDS provider so that Tami could be seen in the hospital under general anesthesia.

Following treating, Tami’s husband reported that she is pain free now and eating normally again. He happily told one of ENDS staff, “ She has color back in her face!” The ENDS Program connects Tami and other patients with providers like Dr. Koch thanks to the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP). The care and compassion delivered by ENDS’ providers, along with the dental benefits provided by OHP, ensure patients receive the treatment they need to continue living a happy and healthy life.

OHP Success Story – Summer 2021

Matt, age 40, has lost two hundred and twenty-three pounds in the last 10 months. These days, he’s all about positivity and making good things happen. Recently, Matt was excited to see his daughter graduate and become a nurse. He also credits his health improvements with making it easier to feel comfortable forming interpersonal relationships.
Matt was first seen by an Exceptional Needs Dentist (ENDS), Dr. James P. Hayden, Jr., shortly after the pandemic began. At the time, he was bed bound and struggling with acute dental pain. “Dr. Hayden saved my mouth from major infection. He and his assistant, Heather, have done an absolutely fantastic job for me.” 

The ENDS program is a partnership established by four Oregon Dental Care Organizations:
-Capitol Dental Care
-CareOregon Dental
-Willamette Dental
Another ENDS provider, Lori Killen Aus, Expanded Practice Dental Hygienist (EPDH), has also been out to see Matt . “Lori, who does the cleaning, is fantastic too! And really good company,” he recalls of her visits. Lori, who has been practicing hygiene since 1980, has mastered the art of communicating just how vital a role oral health has in our overall health.
In recent months, Matt has been learning to walk again and reclaim his mobility. He describes his diet as “ninety-percent vegetables, ten-percent meat,” embracing the relationship between his oral health and nutrition. “When I first met Dr. Hayden, I couldn’t even sit up and the providers with ENDS have done an incredible job. “
Matt and I spoke about the bittersweet possibility of no longer needing mobile dentist services in the future, “Dr. Hayden is professional and so personable; I love talking to him. I wouldn’t switch dentists for anything!”. The ENDS Program connects patients with providers like Dr. Hayden and Lori, thanks to the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP).

OHP Success Story – Spring 2021

Jen, age 32, has struggled with disabilities since an early age. As she got older, her schizophrenia became more apparent, as did its impact on her overall health. Jen has lived on the coast for most of her life and, when she’s able to, enjoys going for walks by the beach. Jen has had serious fears stemmed from adverse dental experiences in the past.  Jen’s life-long caregiver, Pearl, has always been concerned about maintaining Jen’s oral health. “If you can’t eat and you can’t see, it’s your main crest of living. It really is a big barrier. It affects your total health.”
After unsuccessful attempts in a traditional dental office, Jen was referred to Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) for dental treatment. ENDS provides dental care access to individuals with exceptional needs, serving those who are functionally impaired, requiring assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and are unable to obtain treatment in a traditional office setting.
The ENDS program is a partnership established by four Oregon Dental Care Organizations:
 – Capitol Dental Care
– CareOregon Dental
– Willamette Dental
One of ENDS’ providers, Lori Killen Aus, EPDH, worked very slowly to gain Jen’s trust. On their first visit, Lori was able to get Jen to talk about those bad experiences and assured her that such ordeals would not happen with her. Jen responded to Lori’s calming expertise by opening her mouth enough for Lori to brush her teeth. Six months later, Jen was still very hesitant, but Lori was able to calm her down by reminding her that she was not there to create a dreadful visit. The next time Lori visited, Jen was practically jumping up and down with her arms open for a hug.

As time has gone on, Jen has grown to trust Lori so much with her dental care that she recently asked Lori if she could take a photo of the two of them for her to cherish. The ENDS program is fortunate to work with providers like Lori Killen Aus, EPDH, who has been practicing dental hygiene for over 40 years. Because of the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP), and providers like Lori, Jen is having her dental needs met and couldn’t be happier.

OHP Success Story – Winter 2021

Peggy, age 98, has led a very active life. She grew up in the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania, worked for the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) during WWII, then made a career at the Telephone Company before retiring to Oregon. Peggy has always enjoyed hiking, bird-watching, traveling, volunteering, and getting together with family and friends. Health issues led her to an assisted living facility, where she enjoys exercise, reading, and doing all kinds of puzzles.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Peggy was doing well until recently when she began to experience unremitting tooth pain. Peggy’s son got her in touch with Dr. James Hayden at Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS). The ENDS program is a partnership established by four Oregon dental care organizations:
-Capitol Dental Care
-CareOregon Dental
-Willamette Dental

Dr. Hayden and his dental assistant, Candice, visited Peggy at her assisted living facility and successfully removed the diseased tooth. “What a relief!” Peggy stated after the extraction. “And they were nice, too.” Peggy’s son also commented “They did a great job”. “My mom is not the easiest dental patient. I was impressed with every aspect of ENDS, from the timely communications with their scheduler, Debbie, to the compassionate and professional care by James and Candice. I don’t know what we would have done without them.”

Because of the dental care benefits made possible by Oregon Health Plan (OHP), and providers like Dr. Hayden, Peggy has had all her dental needs met and she couldn’t be happier.

OHP Success Story – Autumn 2020

Charlie, age 70, lives happily in Oregon near his children. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease over 10 years ago. Growing up, Charlie was an athlete and that competitive drive has helped him push forward and keep a positive outlook in life. Charlie played High School and College Football. He also received an internship at university for an Engineering degree. He later became a marathon runner and even completed a 74-floor stair climb!

Charlie’s favorite things to do are hanging out with his family and dogs, and barbequing in the backyard. He tries to go for a stroll once or twice a day, with the aid of his walker. Parkinson’s Disease has affected almost every aspect of Charlie’s life, but he says he has a great support system.  Walking and talking has become hard for him.  He has to think about each step he takes and has to focus on how to vocalize his words when he speaks.

When Charlie met with Dr. John Aspros, an Exceptional Needs Dental Services (ENDS) mobile dentist, he discovered that his teeth were not in good condition and that he would need immediate oral care. Parkinson’s Disease had made it difficult for him to understand the severity of his oral health condition. Dr. Aspros realized this and had extensive calls with Charlie’s family to make sure they understood the work that needed to be done. His family says that Dr. Aspros did an excellent job of keeping Charlie apprised of his treatment plan.

Although Charlie was very apprehensive of the dental procedures, his family reported that the care Charlie received was incredible! The family said, “Charlie’s recovery was great!  He has a huge appetite and has had a much easier time eating.  The ENDS program has helped Charlie and the family get control of his dental health and set him up for future success.” Because of the dental care benefits made possible by ENDS through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and providers like Dr. Aspros, Charlie is having all of his dental needs and concerns met. Charlie and his family have said that they are so thankful for this program. “We are so glad Oregon has amazing programs like this set-in place for our aging seniors and people with disabilities.  THANK YOU!”